n., The study of living well.
We believe everyone should be able to dwell well… On every Continent, in every country, every city, village and home.
What would it look like for all of us to Dwell Well? Simply it would look like the makers of our home goods being cared for just as much as our design clients are.
Dwellology is a full service interior design firm that focuses on socially conscious design.
Just as we want to create livable, healthy homes through the products we bring into our spaces, we want those products to be made in a way that values and brings wholeness to the makers.
We collaborate with Artisans around the globe to bring their beautifully handcrafted pieces to homes in North America.
When you work with Dwellology you empower talented partners to reach their full potential of breaking the cycle of poverty in their family! You give them hope and confidence that they can sustain their family with meaningful work!
These are some of the most vulnerable people in the world. Your partnership allows them to elevate themselves out of extreme poverty through livable wages and social co-ops such as savings groups, health and child care opportunities.
How It A
ll Started
Eiley has been designing spaces and environments for over 20 years. After visiting Ethiopia, she came home torn between her love for interior design and her heart for elevating women out of poverty. It seemed as if the two desires were competing against each other. In time she would see how they could work together to be a solution to poverty alleviation and curated homes.
It became an opportunity to bring sustainability and human dignity to the design industry while elevating women out of systemic poverty through dignified work.
When not scrolling through design inspiration, Eiley can be found in her Northern California garden smelling the flowers. She has raised three almost adult children with her husband of twenty eight years, and gravitates between the mountains and beaches of CA regularly. Plus she’s a peppermint shake lover!